Organic White Icicle Radish Seeds - Raphamus sativus

  • $ 3.50
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Organic Non-GMO Open-Pollinated White Icicle Radish Seeds

Also know as Lady Finger, the 3" - 6" long, slender roots taper to a point resembling a miniature daikon radish.  These little heirloom beauties have mild radish flavor and crisp, juicy, white flesh.  Their quality holds well. Best grown as a winter crop or in cooler temperatures, in order to enjoy their crisp and fresh nature!

Packed with vitamin C, magnesium and iron and are known to promote cell rejuvenation.  Known in ancient Chinese medicine to aid indigestion and a healthy diet.

1924 Portland Seed Co. Catalog description of the White Icicle Radish:
This superb radish is the finest and longest of the very early, pure white varieties. Planted in the spring, is ready for use in 20 to 25 days; their long, slender form and pure, paper-white skin are most attractive when bunched for market. This radish is not only crisp and tender when young but also retains these qualities until the roots attain large size; is excellently adapted for forcing purposes or successive sowing in open ground and gives a continuous supply of tender, crisp radishes for the table or market throughout the season.

Enjoy them as a snack in the garden, on the table or add to a salad or veggie tray.  The greens can also be used to spice up a salad.  Both roots and leaves are also great in a stir fry as well as sautéed.  If the plants past optimal root eating age, you can let them flower and enjoy the young mildly spicy seed pods as snack, salad addition or thrown into a stir fry.  The delicate flowers are quite beautiful and attract many pollinators.  Makes excellent kimchi!

  • Organic
  • Non-GMO
  • Annual
  • Sun: Partial- Full
  • Direct Sow: 2-4 weeks after last frost
  • Seed Count: 100
  • Days to Maturity: 20-25
  • Plant Size: 5"-10"

Growing Tips:

When foliage is 2" tall, thin plants to 1" apart, keeping the strongest. Use successive plantings every 2-3 weeks until early fall, for continual harvest. Water often and mulch at base.

Should be directly seeded directly into the soil. They do not want their roots disrupted and want to be able to send them down as soon as they are planted. 

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White Icicle