Oaxacan Green Corn - Zea Mays
The Oaxacan Green was originally grown by the indigenous Zaptec people of Southern Mexico.
This heirloom corn was traditionally used to make green flour tamales and was grown with beans and squash (three sisters). The ears come in a range of gorgeous colors, from emerald green to yellow green.
Grows 6 - 10” dented ears. Stalks can reach up to 7’ and are very drought resistant. Known to grow in high latitude.
- Non-GMO
- Plant size: 7’
- Light: Full
- Direct sow: 6-8 weeks after frost
- Seed Count: 100
- Plant: Minimum 6’ block for proper pollination. Thin plants to 8”
- Water: Even hydration; keep soil moist while seeds are germinating
- Days to Maturity : 75-100
- Drought Resistant