Mexican Sour Gherkin - Melothria scabra | The Living Seed Company LLC

Mexican Sour Gherkin Seeds - Melothria scabra

  • $ 4.50
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Mexican Sour Gherkin Non-GMO Open-Pollinated Seeds

This heirloom has been gaining popularity in recent years. This tiny, watermelon inspired fruit, will taste like a cucumber when eaten early or like a pickled cucumber when eaten mature. 

Commonly known for its Spanish name, sandita, which means little watermelon. Also known by many other names, that commonly translate to Mouse Melon. 

Delicious when added to salad or just as a garden snack. 

Wonderful flavor when eaten fresh or pickled. 

May have a slow start, but once it starts growing, expect a generous yield. 

Easily save seed from over ripe fruit and plant the following year!

  • Non-GMO
  • Annual
  • Sun: Full
  • Indoors: 2-4 weeks before last frost
  • Direct Sow: After last frost
  • Seed Count: 30
  • Days to Maturity: 60-70
  • Plant Size: 8"-12" vine
  • Open Pollinated 

Growing Tips:

Best to direct sow and plant 2-3 weeks after last frost. Plant in hills, 6-8 seeds per hill, 18" apart. Thin to 4 plants per hill. Trellis plant to maximize space. Add mulch at base. 

Mexican Sour Gherkin - Melothria scabra