Organic Jane Goodall's Seeds of Hope
Organic Open-Pollinated Non-GMO Jane Goodall Flower Seeds
Feed our pollinator friends, with Jane’s Seeds of Hope!
Celebrating 40 years of the Jane Goodall Institute, this certified organic seed mix contains flowers that are commonly grown in gardens in the United States. They were selected to be easy to grow across many regions and provide food over long periods of time for honey bees, wild bees, butterflies, other pollinator insects, and birds! It is recommend that these seeds be planted in garden plots, yards and/or pots. While none of these flowers are invasive they can reseed in ideal climates. This is not a wildflower mix to use in a wild setting. These are flowers to feed pollinators close to your home, community garden, school, etc.
Plant these seeds either directly in the ground or a large pot after danger of frost is over. Or start them indoors in smaller pots and transplant when chance of frost is over. You can pick out individual seeds to plant or plant the entire packet in an approximately 100 square foot area (try to give each seed about 6-8 inches of space). Keep soil moist, but don’t over water. Leave seed heads on plants after they have dried to feed the birds. Save seed by collecting flower heads when they have fully dried up . Break seed heads up to get the seeds. Store fully dried seeds in a cool dry place and plant again next year!
Sunflower: Is a native of North America. Great nectar and pollen for honey and wild bees. Butterflies also love it. Great food for birds when seeds are mature.
Borage: A common garden plant across North America (probably originated in Syria). Grows in even poor soil and improves the soil. Produces flowers over a very long period of time ensuring a constant food source for bees. Produces great amounts of both nectar and pollen. A source of blue/purple pollen which adds a different nutritive element.
Poppies: Another very common garden flower across North America. Great source of pollen for honey, carpenter and bumble bees. Each plant blooms for about three weeks (although each flower is only providing food for 2-4 days). Relatively easy to grow and self seeds.
Calendula: A common medicinal and ornamental plant in North American gardens. Loved by many pollinators including, bees, hover flies (syrphid flies), butterflies and birds. Good nectar and pollen production. Blooms for many months.
Echinacea: Native to Central and Eastern USA and grows well in most North American climates. Easy to grow and cold hardy. Nectar is loved by many types of butterflies and Hummingbirds. Great nectar for bees as well. This perennial may come back year after year, if properly cared for.
“For me, It was nothing short of a miracle every time I saw those threadlike roots appear and grow downward, and the little shoot bursting through the seed coat and trusting up toward the light.”
-Dr. Jane Goodall from “Seeds of Hope”
This seed mix was created for JGI (Jane Goodall Inst.) by The Living Seed Company.
- Organic
- Non-GMO
- Ornamental
- Edible
- Medicinal
- Attracts pollinators : Bees, birds, butterflies, beneficial insects
- Excellent for cut flowers
- Direct Sow: After last frost
- Seed Count: Covers a 100 square foot area with seeds, 6-8 inches apart
- Open Pollinated
- Neonicotinoid-free
Growing Tips:
Clear a sunny area, free of weeds. Lightly broadcast seeds and lightly cover with soil and tamper down. Water until seeds germinate.
Echinacea may perennialize in mild climates and the rest of the seeds will self-seed, if allowed to dry down and spread.